
The City of Caravans

Aliases: The Caravan Capital of Amn, The City of Caravans
Region: Zehoarastria, Amn
Size: Large city (~35,000 in 1372 DR, peaking at 75,000 in trade season)
Primary Economy: Trade, caravanning, metalwork, jewelry, and brewing
Leadership: Mayor (Corlyn Braen in 1370 DR), overseen by merchant families and guilds
Cultural Focus: Commerce, travel, and craftsmanship
Defense: 500 well-armed city guards, 125 river patrols, plus mercenary hires


Crimmor is the beating heart of Amn’s trade routes, a bustling metropolis where merchants, drovers, and bargemen work ceaselessly to ensure goods flow from the Sword Coast North to the Lands of Intrigue. Its streets are lined with warehouses, caravan yards, and workshops, filling the air with the scent of oxen, the clang of smiths, and the chatter of traders.

Built on the southern shore of the Alandor River, Crimmor thrives on the constant movement of caravans and river barges. It is Amn’s most diverse city, with a constant influx of travelers from across Faerûn, seeking riches or adventure.

A Mayor rules the city, though true power rests with merchant houses, guilds, and the Shadow Thieves. Crime is strictly controlled, and outsiders quickly learn that no thief thrives in Crimmor—except those who operate under the Shadow Thieves’ watchful eye.

Crimmor, the Caravan Capital of Amn, never sleeps. Ox-drawn wagons rattle through stone-paved streets, their drivers shouting orders as drovers lead teams of mules to the river docks. Merchants haggle over goods, while innkeepers and thieves alike seek their share of the city’s endless commerce. Here, fortune and betrayal walk hand in hand, and no caravan master is truly seasoned until they’ve passed through Crimmor’s gates.

Daily Life in Crimmor

  1. Caravan & River Trade
    • Dawn sees caravaneers loading wagons bound for Baldur’s Gate, Calimport, or Tethyr.
    • Drovers shuttle goods between docks and city warehouses.
    • Barges laden with metals, jewelry, and agricultural goods flow down the Alandor River, towed by teams of mules.
  2. Market & Guild Activity
    • Guild-controlled workshops produce wagons, tools, and metalwork, with famed artisans crafting some of the finest goods in Amn.
    • Jewelry makers refine silver and gold from the Cloud Peaks, though Crimmor’s pieces are seen as second-class compared to Athkatla’s.
    • The streets are packed with traders hawking wares, shouting deals in a dozen languages.
  3. Taverns & Clubs
    • Festhalls (clubs) serve as meeting places for merchants, nobles, and adventurers seeking work.
    • Taverns fill with caravan guards, dockworkers, and travelers, drinking Crimmor’s renowned ale.
    • Gambling, music, and business deals keep the city alive long after sundown.
  4. Law & Order
    • The Crimmor Guard keeps order, patrolling streets in units of a dozen men.
    • The Bargemen patrol the river, ensuring dock fees are paid and smuggling is contained.
    • The Shadow Thieves rule the underworld, allowing no unsanctioned crime.

Key Locations in Crimmor

  1. The High Ride & Wagonrun – The two major roads dividing the city are constantly clogged with caravan traffic.
  2. The Docks & River Ward – Bustling with barges and drovers, loading and unloading trade goods.
  3. Zoldaftel Wagons – The finest wagon-maker in Amn, with master craftsman Zan Zoldaftel overseeing production.
  4. Chauntea’s Cradle – The city’s main temple to Chauntea, patron of farmers and trade.
  5. The Pearl Inn – The most expensive lodging in Crimmor, towering over the skyline.
  6. Durndraaven Manor – The Ophal family’s mansion, a symbol of the city’s merchant power.
  7. Thaeldorn (City Hall) – The seat of Crimmor’s mayor and ruling council.

Crimmor’s Trade and Influence

  1. Imports & Exports
    • Imports: Caravan goods, river barges, jewelry, metalwork, fine brews.
    • Exports: Candied pears, leather goods, high-quality wagons, ale, and agricultural goods.
  2. Trade Routes
    • North to Baldur’s Gate (via the Trade Way).
    • South to Calimport (through Purskul).
    • East to Eshpurta (via the Eshpurta Road).
    • West to Athkatla (following the River Road).
  3. Influence of the Merchant Houses
    • The Crytrapper Family – Owns Crimmor’s taverns and has ties to the Shadow Thieves.
    • The Krimmevol Family – Controls land and caravan yards, with strong ties to the mayor.
    • The Ophal Family – Dominates the spice trade and seeks more political power.

Potential Adventure Hooks in Crimmor

  1. The Missing Caravan
    A gold-laden caravan from Athkatla vanishes en route to Crimmor. Merchants offer a hefty reward for recovering the goods and finding the culprits.
  2. The Shadow Thieves’ Ultimatum
    A rival thieves’ guild attempts to operate in Crimmor, violating Shadow Thieves’ control. The party must either aid the rebellion or enforce the guild’s rule.
  3. The Haunted Noblewoman
    A ghost roams the streets, searching for a lost treasure. Some locals seek to aid her, while others believe she hides a terrible secret.
  4. The Secret Smuggler’s Route
    A hidden passage beneath the docks allows smugglers to bypass tariffs. A corrupt guard captain wants to shut it down—or take control of it.
  5. A Merchant’s Rivalry
    A caravan master’s business is sabotaged, and he hires adventurers to protect his goods and unmask the culprit—a powerful noble with ties to the mayor.